UHCDC Hāna Community Kitchen Project Finalized Proof of Concept Report

After a year of working with both Hāna community members and an intrepid team from the University of Hawaiʻi Manoa Community Design Center (UHCDC), we are happy to announce and present the result of the work from the UHCDC which was sponsored through the Hāna Chapter of the Hawaiʻi Farmers Union Grant funded by the Maui Department of Agriculture.

Link to the UHCDC Hāna Community Kitchen Project Final Report

In addition to the UHCDC Final Report, the East Maui Food Alliance has also been formed, with a preliminary core working group established between the following local nonprofit organizations and statewide organizations – all invested in East Maui agricultural and ʻāina-based environmental sustainability.

More information on the East Maui Food Alliance