UHCDC Site Visit #1 Hāna Community Kitchen Project ~ March 1-3, 2023
University of Hawai’i Community Design Center (UHCDC) Team – Kimi Makaiau, Malu Jonathan Stanich, and Logan Shiroma – flew into Kahului from Oahu on the morning of Wednesday, March 1 and were guided on three solid days of site visits to look at land and resources as they gather information to assist with their work in building a Proof of Concept for the Hāna Community Kitchen Project.
Mahalo Nunui ~ Extending Big Thank You’s to the following for allowing us to visit and listen to the stories which will assist in weaving the Hāna Hub synergistically into our community!
Guides and project champions who accompanied the UHCDC team throughout the three days:
- Claire Kamalu Carroll – Maui County Office of Economic Development, HBC Board Member, Hāna community advocate
- Dawn Lono – Maui County East Maui Council Executive Administrator, HBC Board President, Hāna community advocate
- Gary Chow – HBC Board Member, Hōlani Hāna President, Hāna Feast Catering Company
- Heidi Lea – HBC Executive Director and Hāna Community Kitchen Project coordinator
- Kaʻeo Patrick Ornellas – Maui County Office of Economic Development
- Scott Crawford – HFUU Representative, Hāna community organizer
Day 1
- Maui College – Maui Food Innovation Center with T. Karen Hanada, Director of University Center and staff (Featured Image: MCMFIC Site Visit – PC: Heidi Lea)
- Maui Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) with Daniel Ornellas
- Keʻanae Uka – Nā Moku ʻAupuni ʻo Koʻolau Hui with Amanda Martin, Executive Director, Jr. Kekiwi, Bush Martin and community members
- Ala Kukui with Kauʻi Kanakaole, along with HFUU Hāna Chapter Board Members: Fawn Helekahi, Gina Lind, Lehua Park, Scott Crawford and community members
Day 2
- Hāna Tropicals with Ian Ballantyne and Krista Fuglestad
- Hāna Health with Mike Renaud
- Coconut Grove with Brad Newton
- Kahanu Garden – National Tropical Botanical Association with Peter Gaffney
- Mahele Farm with Kamanu Lind
- Hāna Ranch Restaurant dinner
Day 3
- Hāna Farms – banana bread and coffee stop …next time site visit 🙂
- Hāna Coast Gallery with managing art director Alesia Chow
- Hāna Ranch with ranch manager Duane Lammers
- DLNR Sites
- Hōlani Hāna with Gary Chow
- Hāna Farmers Market with Kari Hagedorn and Scott Crawford and vendors!
We encourage you to reach out to hub@hanafood.org with any questions or ways that you would like to get involved.
Please check out the UHCDC www.engagehawaii.org site for an overview of projects that the UHCDC has previously implemented.